Insurance Information In Mount Clemens, MI

Make The Most Of Your Plan.

Vision plans can seem complicated, but our team is here to simplify your benefits for you. Our skilled opticians will guide you through your vision insurance plan so that you and your family receive the benefits and resources you deserve for excellence eye care products.

Person filling out vision insurance form for LaCroix Eye Care in Mt. Clemens, MI
Woman wearing eyeglasses at LaCroix Eye Care

We Accept Both Vision & Medical Insurance! 

At LaCroix Eye Care, we accept both vision and medical insurance from many different insurance carriers, including payment options, to better serve our patients. Vision insurance and medical insurance provide coverage for different services. Vision insurance benefits vary widely by plan, but typically offers discounts for eyewear and one routine, non-medical eye exam per contract. Medical insurance covers or reduces the cost for qualified medical expenses, including eye exams and testing related to medical conditions. We accept a wide range of plans, including EyeMed, Medicare, VSP, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and more.

Some Of The Insurances We Accept

Est. 1939

LaCroix Makes Eye Care Accessible 

When you choose LaCroix Eye Care, you’re choosing compassionate eye care professionals and a dedicated support team that cares about the people they serve.​ If you have any questions, don’t stress — give us a call, we’re happy to walk you through your insurance options.

LaCroix eye care doctor smiling

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